Plainfield Pitbulls Assistant Coach Application
This application is for high school/college runners who would like to be considered for coaching positions (PAID for alumni, VOLUNTEER for high schoolers) with the Plainfield Pitbulls Summer Run Club. This club will be for 3rd to 5th graders and meet 2 days/week:
Monday:  Grande Park from 8:00-9:30am
Friday: Settlers Park from 8:00- 9:30am
Dates: June 10 - July 29 (+ Family Night on Aug 1)
(Off July 4 week)

Why is it "volunteer" for high schoolers?  Two reasons:
1. Part of our mission at PNXC is to give back to the community, and volunteering to help an up and coming youth running team is a great way to give back.  
2. We do not want this to pull you away from PNXC Summer Running too often.  We expect alumni coaches to mainly take the Monday practices, while Friday practices can be a mix of HS and Alumni.

Coaches will be responsible for leading exercises, running with the kids, helping supervise, and help maintain a positive and ENTHUSIASTIC environment for these young runners. Your job will not only be to run with them, but to talk to them, encourage them, motivate them, and make sure all runners are having a positive experience. The Head Coach/Director of the Plainfield Pitbulls Run Club will be Mr. Shawn Hall, and he will be assisted by Mrs. Kendra Frigo.

We will provide a plan for each day, and expect the high school/ alumni coaches to carry out the daily practice sessions and help in any manner needed. We plan to hire 2-3 ALUMNI to help as paid coaches, and have HIGH SCHOOL PNXC team members work as volunteers on Fridays (since this is usually a captains practice day.)  This will also count towards any NHS community service/ volunteer hours.  
For Alumni:  the expectation would be that you can attend MOST Monday and Friday practices.  If you must miss 1-2 for a vacation or other commitment, that is not a deal-breaker.  
For HS volunteers: there is no minimum time commitment,.  We would set up a schedule to allow as many of our runners who want to volunteer as possible throughout the summer.  We also do not want this to pull you away from PNXC Summer Running too often.

Pay will be finalized as the summer approaches, but Alumni coaches can plan to earn $20-$25 per practice.
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Your name:
Cell Phone
What grade will you be in next school year? *
Have you ever worked with young students? (camps, day care, coaching, babysitting, youth sports, etc.) Explain any experience you have working with kids. *
How many years have you been running? (including HS, MS, etc.) *
Plainfield Pitbulls Run Club is about developing a love of running/healthy-living in young people. Talk about your journey as a runner and the role running plays in your life. *
Why do you want to help coach the Plainfield Pitbulls Run Club? *
Is there anything else you'd like to share with us about yourself that might set you apart as a coaching candidate for the Plainfield Pitbulls? *
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